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kids getting on the bus.

Back-to-School Health Checklist for Parents

The phrase “back to school” is met with cringing by kids and rejoicing by parents. Some kids are happy to be back with their friends, but most would rather continue their loosey goosey summer routine; late nights, sleeping in, no real schedule. Alas, Fall is coming and so is school, so parents must do some

kids smiling outside.

Summer Health Guide for Kids: Preventing Common Risks

Summer brings warmth and sunshine, perfect for outdoor adventures with your children. From swimming and hiking to picnicking in the park, there’s so much to enjoy. However, it’s essential to be mindful of potential health risks that can affect your little ones. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding and preventing common summer hazards. Creepy Crawlies

child at their well child visit.

What To Expect During Your Child’s Well-Child Visit

Just as adults need to see their physician at least once a year for a wellness visit, so do children. You wouldn’t hesitate to take them if they are sick, but it’s just as beneficial to take them when they are not. It’s a way to be sure your child is developing according to certain

doctor looking in child's sore throat.

What Can Cause Tonsillitis in Children?

Tonsils are lymph nodes in the back of the throat which on occasion can become inflamed and infected. Children are especially vulnerable and can suffer with a sore throat and difficulty swallowing. It is a common pediatric problem, but what can cause tonsillitis in children?

young girl with allergies.

Allergies in Children: Identifying Triggers and Managing Symptoms

Children are little bacteria magnets. They pick up every possible germ in their path. The same is true for allergens since kids have never met an allergen they didn’t like. Whether it’s food, the environment, or pets, the list goes on and on. Parents must be on guard all the time. Common allergies in children:

young girl swimming.

How to Prevent Unintentional Childhood Injuries

Keeping your children safe from harm is the most important job parents have. Even one child can be difficult to keep tabs on, but when you have several, the odds of watching their every move becomes impossible. The best you can do is teach them about safety, depending on their age, and be observant. It

Why Is My Child’s Asthma Worse At Night?

Life with a child who has asthma can be frightening when they have a flare up, but it is compounded when it occurs at night. Waking up hearing your child wheezing and coughing not only disrupts everyone’s sleep, but it could mean a trip to the hospital. Many parents wonder, “why is my child’s asthma

young girl smiling.

At Home Tips To Help Your Child With ADHD

The first tip when learning to deal with your child with ADHD is not to panic. Your whole life is not turning upside down. It may feel that way, but with some support from professionals, you can easily learn at home tips to help your child with ADHD.

child holding an inhaler.

How Your Child Can Handle Asthma Flare-Ups At School

A parent with a child who has asthma understands how much communication there must be between you, your child, and their school. If your child is old enough, they should know how to use his or her inhaler, when to use it, and when to ask for help. Younger children need a bit more intervention,

school psychologist having serious conversation with a young boy.

Pediatric Mental Health: Identifying Signs of Stress and Anxiety

Many young couples today have made the decision not to have any children. If you ask them their reasons, they will tell you they don’t want to bring children into a world with turmoil, hate, and uncertainty about their future. After years of living through COVID, now there is war and economic stress which certainly