When your little one is not eating, feeling a bit feverish, and no amount of love and cuddling will calm him or her, you become worried. Knowing when to give your child medicine and when not to is essential before you do anything. Let’s explore in more detail giving your child medicine.
Know About Over-The-Counter Medications And How To Use Them
Just because you find it in the pediatric aisle of your local drugstore does not make it safe. Always read all labels! Know the proper dosage, the ingredients, and if it will interact with another medication your child is taking. Only then can you be sure the medicine is right for your child. Most over-the-counter medications are dosed by weight.

- Your physician at Personal Pediatrics, your pharmacist, (and you) should know your child’s exact weight.
- Know how to measure the correct dosage.
- Have the proper dosing device, not just a kitchen spoon.
Overdosing a child can cause some serious side effects. Too little medication can be ineffective, and too much can be harmful.
One more concern is giving aspirin to your child if they have a virus. This can be dangerous including over-the-counter medications that contain aspirin.
Reach out to your pharmacist or Personal Pediatrics if you have any questions or concerns, especially about multi-symptom medications and their effect on your child.
Fevers Don’t Always Need To Be Treated
A low-grade fever means your child’s body is fighting off an infection. If the fever continues to increase, a call to Personal Pediatrics is probably in order. The point is don’t jump to give a child a fever-reducer medication.
Continue to give lots of fluids, rest, cold compresses, and warm sponge baths to bring the fever down.
Know About Prescription Medications
If Personal Pediatrics or another physician has prescribed a medication for your child, follow all the directions and use as directed. This includes using all of it even if your child is feeling better. Stopping an antibiotic, for instance, before completing the entire prescription can encourage the infection to return.
Read all the instructions carefully: with food or without, how many times a day, before meals or “take on an empty stomach,” and common side effects.
Pay attention also to unusual side effects like wheezing or difficulty breathing after taking a new RX medication as this could be an allergic reaction. Get medical help immediately.
Keep Personal Pediatrics Informed
Always update your child’s doctor to know their correct weight and all the medications they take, including over-the-counter medications. This includes vitamins, and other supplements like melatonin.
When In Doubt
Giving your child the right medicine, at the right time, and in the right amount are all critical. Call Personal Pediatrics when you’re unsure.
Contact Personal Pediatrics at 407-345-9929 if you are not sure if your child’s symptoms warrant medical care or for other questions.
Nine Stress-Free Tips for Giving Your Child Medicine (chla.org)
Medicines: Using Them Safely (for Parents) – Nemours KidsHealth